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Unreal Galaga is a Galaga inspired arcade space shooter built in the Unreal engine. Players fight through endless waves of enemies while dogging past asteroids, trying to survive for as long as possible to achieve the highest score they can. This project was my first experience with Unreal and visual scripting.


Unreal Galaga was a solo project and so I was responsible for everything from design to creation. I spent most of my time just learning how to use both Unreal Engine itself and Unreal blueprints as it was my first experience with both of them. I particularly enjoyed implementing the different pickups in the game as well as all the audio. This project really made be appreciate the value of audio.


  • Visual Scripting

  • Audio Sourcing and Implementation

  • UX Design


  • Pause Menu: One aspect I am most proud of in this project is simply the pause menu. This was my fist time implementing one and I was very pleased I managed to have the gameplay actually freeze in the background.

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