“Books let you imagine extraordinary things. Movies let you see extraordinary things. And videogames? Videogames let you do extraordinary things”
Don't let the hastily taken picture and bland background fool you, I'm an interesting person I swear, just an interesting person without a library of self-photography.
I am a determined and passionate team-player, I studied in Southampton and graduated with a First Class degree in Computer Games Design. I pushed myself to learn and create as much as possible in the 3 years of my university course, exceeding my even wildest self-expectations. I love games with a focus on story and character and I hope my future career to reflect this, taking on roles that allow me to create story focused content and design how the player interacts with a games narrative and characters to generate moments the stay with them forever.
Needless to say, I love games. I love everything about them. When I'm not making or playing them I love watching video essays about their design, music and stories. I enjoy watching similar videos about film too!